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Global PR and
Communication Model
A new roadmap for the future of communications and reputation management
developed by Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management
and Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership
The Global PR and Communication Model
has being updated!
The Global PR & Communication Model, developed by Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management in partnership with Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and with the sponsor contribution of LLYC, a global communications and public affairs consulting firm, defines the roadmap and building blocks of the functions of PR and Communication, to promote its contribution to the creation of differentiation, reputation, trust and social legitimacy.
This model has been built with the collaborative and participatory efforts of a network of 1,400 professionals from 46 countries on 5 different regions. This has been a global consensus-based research on the present and future of the role and value of public relations and communications management.
The Model consolidates the Stockholm Accords, 2010, and the Melbourne Mandate, 2012, and integrates the Global Capability Framework for Public Relations and Communication Management developed in partnership with Huddersfield University in 2018.
The Model has being updated in 2023 and it is now an executive online training course available in english and spanish.
We aspire that organizations and professionals worldwide, who understand the strategic importance of intangible assets, will be able to improve the business decision-making process, promoting a real and authentic connection with their stakeholders, and promoting differential leadership in the future post-COVID-19-world.
Inscriptions are open. For further information click here.
Inside out the 6 building blocks that generate and protect value in today’s world:
Purpose & Corporate Culture
Corporate Brand
Reputation & Reputational Risk
Intangible Asset Metrics
Inscriptions open!
This training program provides you with a technical toolkit to work on areas such as reputation, purpose, brand, communication & ESG.
Available in english & spanish
Relive the launch ⬇️
Video of the global presentation of the model
Want to know more?
New content and knowledge about the model in practice
Let´s know if you want an express session about the Model: info@corporateexcellence.org
Let´s make the model truly global
Want to suggest any other language?
We are looking for help - Get in touch!Steering Committee
Steering group led by Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and it has taken into account the views of more than 1,400 professionals and academics from 46 countries in 5 different regions
Dr Ángel
Jose Manuel Velasco
Justin Green
Dr Amybel Sánchez
Wole Adamoleku
Prita Kemal Gani
Research Team
Research team led by Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership
Dr Ángel Alloza
Dr Clara Fontán
Dr Enrique Carreras
Academic Council
Academic Council led by Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management
- Dean School of Communication Sciences, Tourism and Psychology. University of San Martín de Porres, Peru
- Dr Ángel Alloza: CEO of Corporate Excellence- Centre for Reputation Leadership, Spain
- Dr Wole Adamolekun: Senior Lecturer at the Elizade University, Nigeria
- Justin Green: President of Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management, Ireland
“The Global Public Relations &Communication Model is a welcome development in the post-COVID-19 era and the new communication realities. This masterpiece will certainly facilitate improved professionalism by its global membership”
Wole Adamolekun, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer, Department ofMass Communication Elizade University
“An excellent global communique for all PR and communication leaders and practitioners. Impressed with block five especially. The year 2020 has (hopefully)positioned intangible assets metrics on par with financial KPIs”
Jaffri Amin Osman, APR, MIPR, FIPR; Managing Director ofWorld Communications Network, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;Vice President of Institute of Public Relations Malaysia(IPRM)
“IABC’s vision is a communication professional at the heart of every organization. The GlobalPR and Communications Model provides a framework to help realize that goal, at a time when communication professionals are needed more than ever”
Bonnie Caver, Chair of the Global Board of Directors of the International Association of BusinessCommunicators (IABC)
“The Global PR and CommunicationModel effectively synthesizes much of the most timely and important research on communication theories and structures with guidance for practical application in organizational life. It’s a valuable addition to our profession’s body of knowledge”
Anthony D’Angelo, APR, Fellow PRSA, Professor of Practice, Syracuse University Newhouse School of Public Communications; Co-Chair, Commission on Public Relations Education
“The Global Alliance has initiated an important, timely and worldwide discussion on the value of intangible assets and the role of public relations and communication in generating, preserving and growing them.We see a range of crucial research avenues opening up from this conversation including the role of public relations and communication in activating organisational purpose, how the evaluation of public relations and communication has to radically change to measure contribution to these assets and how we need to prepare practitioners both now and into the future for a world in which intangible assets will become even more important”
Anne Gregory, Professor, Chair in Corporate Communication, University of Huddersfield; Past President, Chartered Institute of Public Relations
Elena Gutiérrez, Professor of Corporate Communication at the School of Communication. Director of the research group INCOMIN, University of Navarra
“As value chains have become value networks, and intangible assets keep rising in value, public relations and communications have been transformed. For 10 years, the Global Alliance has created a space for the world’s practitioners and academics to redefine the role of the profession and the professional, and The Global PR andCommunication Model brings this work together in a simple, powerful way. Building on the GA’sMelbourne Mandate and Global CapabilitiesFramework, it give us a compass: pointing the way for PR and communication to connect an organization’s purpose with the outcomes that drive business value.”
Daniel Tisch Echevarria, Past Chair, Global Alliance, and co-author of the Melbourne Mandate
“A useful tool for PR & Comms professionals allowing them to reflect, analyze, step back and make good decisions”
Silvia Arto, Global Head of BNP Paribas RetailBanking & Services Communications
“Finally, a global tool for advancing PR and Strategic Communication has arrived”
Peter Mutie, CEO, Peterson IntegratedCommunications Ltd; Past President Africa PublicRelations Association
“For a number of years public relations and communications work has turned its attention almost entirely to the management of intangibles, and and this will tend to deepen in the future. This is strongly linked to the creation of new narratives, which are the basis for the construction of a new role for the communicator and PR professional at all levels. In this sense, the update and the global connection around a cohesive narrative, as The Global PR & Communication Model does, is fundamental”
Paulo Nassar, President of Aberje – Brazilian Association for Business Communication; Full Professor at School ofCommunications and Arts, University of São Paulo (ECA-USP)
“The Global Public Relations andCommunication Model chronicles the critical role public relations professionals have played in advancing corporate success. It outlines a path forward that is solid and visionary, where communicators are both strategic planners and idea generators. At the same time, it provides excellent guidelines for enhancing public relations education – and an exciting preview for today’s students of the future that awaits them”
Judy Phair, Co-Chair, Commission of Public Relations Education; President, Phair Advantage Communications, LLC; Past President and CEO Public Relations Society of America
“We congratulate the good work of Global Alliance and Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership for creatingThe Global PR and Communication Model which certainty is useful for the PR professionals around the world to unify their knowledge, skills, capabilities and competencies into global standards”
Prita Kemal Gani, President, Asean Public Relations Networks
“In this time of globalization and digitalization, every individual, country, organizations need to communicate. But how to conduct efficient, accurate communication that in different cultural backgrounds and regions? To make it happen, Global Alliance’s Global PR and Communication Model would be the most ideal reference for all PR practitioners, experts and scholars, and it will be a milestone of world’s PR development and history.”
Pamela Yin Xiaodong, Founder of 17PR.com; Chairperson of Golden Flag Award
A new roadmap for the future of PR and Communication function developed by the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management in partnership with Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership
Copyright © 2020 - Global Alliance & Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership